ITI News

Rigging Training Workshop: 2-Hook Pick

Written by Mike Parnell | Feb 28, 2011 4:15:00 PM

Any time 2-hook pick is made, the crew needs to determine the weight carried by each hook, based on the center-of-gravity (CG) of the load. Review the schematic below and then evaluate the Master Rigger's Reference Card Panel 9 and the Journeyman Rigger's Reference Card Panel 2.

Workshop Assignment: First find the load's CG, then determine the weight being carried by the 30 and 10 ton hooks respectively. Answer the questions listed, and then check your work against the answers listed below. Have fun!



1. The CG is ___ ft. from the west end.
2. The portion of the assembly lifted by the 30 ton hook block is ___ lbs.


Master Rigger's Reference Card Panel 9:


Journeyman Rigger's Reference Card Panel 2:


Happy trails to all my crane and rigging friends,
Mike Parnell
ITI-Field Services

P.S.  This article was originally published in The Professional Rigger Newsletter - 2-Hook Pick.
