// Replace these variables with the actual data retrieved from Thought Industries const accountId = "210018"; const accountSignupDate = 1566932390; // Unix timestamp of account signup date const accountPurchaseDate = 1566932395; // Unix timestamp of account purchase date const accountPlanTier = "Standard"; // Account's plan tier const accountCompanyName = "CoolCo"; // Account's name const accountMRR = 599; // Account's monthly recurring revenue const accountRenewalDate = "06202035"; // US timestamp of upcoming account renewal date const accountManager = "Jerry"; // Account manager // Construct the data object to send to Appcues const dataToSend = { accountId: accountId, createdAt: accountSignupDate, purchasedAt: accountPurchaseDate, planTier: accountPlanTier, companyName: accountCompanyName, MRR: accountMRR, renewalDate: accountRenewalDate, accountManager: accountManager }; // Send the data to Appcues using their API fetch('https://api.appcues.com/v1/groups', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': '90d231a9-7608-4086-b34b-6be31c0d7dbb' // Replace YOUR_APPCUES_API_KEY with your actual API key }, body: JSON.stringify({ groupId: "de6dd755-3004-4271-b1ae-0d4c39272393", // unique, required properties: dataToSend }) }) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Failed to send data to Appcues'); } console.log('Data sent to Appcues successfully'); }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error:', error); });