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Image: Sunrise at the ITI Woodland Training Center.

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Nobles to Distribute ITI VR Crane Simulation System in Australia and New Zealand

Adelaide, Australia, 3 October, 2017: A. Noble & Son Ltd. (Nobles), Australia’s leading specialist provider of lifting & rigging equipment and services and Industrial Training International (ITI), makers of the industry’s premier crane training Virtual Reality (VR) simulation platform, today announced an international distribution agreement. Under the terms of the relationship, Nobles will receive exclusive distribution rights to the Australian and New Zealand markets.



Accident Investigation: Cranes, Rigging, and Material Handling Operations

November 15-17 | Woodland, WA Training Center | Register

The AI (Accident Investigation) Course begins with a series of workshops that focus on three disciplines related to load handling; crane operations, rigging activities and forklift operations. Problem-solving workshops help solidify participants' understanding and knowledge concerning equipment set-up, proper application, capacity information, inspection, hazard recognition and operational safety. 



New Lift Director Requirements in NYC: What You Need to Know!

The New York Department of Buildings (DOB), has passed a rule that requires a qualified and competent Lift Director be present at construction sites when a crane or derrick is performing certain tasks. A new form (CD12) will need to be completed, signed and dated to designate the Lift Director. This form must be kept on site.  Additionally, if there is an alternate Lift Director for a period longer than two consecutive weeks, the DOB must be notified.



NEW from the Bookstore

ASME B30.16 (Overhead Underhung and Stationary Hoists) 2017 Revision Now Available

The B30.16 Overhead Underhung and Stationary Hoists 2017 edition is now available.  Formerly titled Overhead Hoists (Underhung), in this edition, revisions were made to reflect current technology and terminology. Included now are overhead underhung and stationary hoists and includes information about personnel competence. Also included are pitch diameter requirements for sheaves and drums, inspection requirements, and rigger and signalperson responsibilities. Chapter 16-0 (Scope, Definitions, Personnel, Competence, and Reference) has been overhauled in its entirety.


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