Training Center Course Cancellation Policies

What happens if I can make it, or ITI needs to cancel?

If you need to cancel, and provide the adequate written notice: 

  1. You may substitute your registration with other employees; or,
  2. Your Course fees may be applied towards another ITI course held within 1 year; or,
  3. A full refund will be issued less a 5% processing fee.

Written Notice Requirements for Cancellation

  • 4+ students from one organization, for the same course: You must provide more than 60 days of written notice.
  • Otherwise, you must provide 30 days of written notice.


If ITI needs to cancel:

If it is necessary for ITI to cancel a program, you will be notified at least one week prior to the course start date. Please purchase airline tickets accordingly and check with your travel agent. ITI will not be responsible for non-refundable travel fees.




Important Notice: Some of our Help Center Articles, like this one, contain service terms and policies that have were originally duplicated from our standard service agreements. Should this article conflict with our most recent, applicable Service Agreement, the applicable Service Agreement shall take precedence which can be found at: