Pedestal Crane Operator
1-3 Days
Crane Operation
Qualification Available
0.8-2.4 CEUs
Recommended for client employees who use shore or ship-based pedestal cranes
ITI's Pedestal Crane Operator Course is recommended for employees who use shore or ship-based pedestal cranes. The participants are introduced to the core subjects listed below in both classroom and hands-on settings, and are tasked with operating assignments that help to establish and/or demonstrate operating proficiency. Qualification is available.
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Pedestal Crane Operator
Course Subjects
The 1-day course options is provided for cranes at sea, while the 3-day course is provided for dock-side cranes.
Daily Pre-Operation Inspection
Load Charts
Operating Practices
Lift Considerations
Hand Signals
Personnel Responsibilities
Regulations & Standards

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Gene CernanAstronaut, Apollo 17
“When you head on out to the Moon, in very short order, and you get a chance to look back at the Earth, that horizon slowly curves around in upon himself, and all of sudden you're looking at something that is very strange, but yet is very, very familiar, because you're beginning to see the Earth evolve.”

Gene CernanAstronaut, Apollo 17
“When you head on out to the Moon, in very short order, and you get a chance to look back at the Earth, that horizon slowly curves around in upon himself, and all of sudden you're looking at something that is very strange, but yet is very, very familiar, because you're beginning to see the Earth evolve.”

Gene CernanAstronaut, Apollo 17
“When you head on out to the Moon, in very short order, and you get a chance to look back at the Earth, that horizon slowly curves around in upon himself, and all of sudden you're looking at something that is very strange, but yet is very, very familiar, because you're beginning to see the Earth evolve.”

Gene CernanAstronaut, Apollo 17
“When you head on out to the Moon, in very short order, and you get a chance to look back at the Earth, that horizon slowly curves around in upon himself, and all of sudden you're looking at something that is very strange, but yet is very, very familiar, because you're beginning to see the Earth evolve.”

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